Your Booking is Confirmed

Man with blue shirt image

“Hi this is Chris, your RCIC. 

I am looking forward to meeting with you.

I will prepare for our meeting be reviewing the information you provided on the booking form.

Here are a few things you can do to preapre for our meeting:”

If you booked a Discovery Call:

  • We will discuss your case ad how we can possibly help you

If you booked an Online Consultation, or Express Consultation:

  • We will get answers to specific questions or pathways
  • Pay invoice prioir to meeting date (emailed to you)
  • Sign Initial Consultation Agreement (emailed to you)

In addition, you can:

  • Make a list of questions you want answered
  • Have access to any relevant documents
  • Be in front of a computer in a quiet setting

“Let’s get started!” 
